Intrinsic to Life

I’m thinking about lessons from two different eras of my life.

Last Saturday I enjoyed an excellent presentation by fellow fiber artist Sue King at a meeting of Ohio SAQA members held at the Zanesville Museum of Art. After Sue spoke about exhibiting our art, a listener asked her how long she spends each day creating art. Sue responded that we must each find balance in our lives…find what proportions of our time used for paid employment, art creation, marketing and promoting of our art, family activities, and socialization works for us. As she spoke, I envisioned separate categories of activity placed into discrete boxes of time.

Today I was reminded of a lesson from a college art professor, Earl Hassenflug, who explained the process of making art in tribal cultures in Africa. He stated that, in these tribal cultures, there are no individuals who define themselves as artists because making art is a life activity in which everyone is engaged. All life activities are integral.

So, are these two wordings of the same concept or opposite ways of thinking?


One response to “Intrinsic to Life

  1. I think that too often these 2 are almost polar opposite concepts – and that we’d be happier people if we integrated art and creation into our everyday lives. It seems to me that the need to make art “pay” has stifled the creativity of WAY too many people.

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